National Volunteer Week 2020 runs from June 21-27. This year’s theme is ‘Te Hua o te Mahi Tahi I The benefit of working together’.
National Volunteer Week 2020 is an opportunity for all our volunteers to be recognised and celebrated! Volunteers contribute to 159 million volunteer hours per year, the value of this volunteer labour is estimated at $4 billion.
The power and potential of volunteering, Mahi Aroha and social action shines through at times when our communities are stretched and challenged. New Zealand’s COVID-19 response has highlighted courage and kindness in uniting together.
Working collaboratively as we come out of COVID-19 will make our communities stronger and volunteers will continue to play an integral role in this.
Now more than ever, as a volunteering community we commit to manaakitanga and whakawhanaungatanga. National Volunteer Week 2020 is an opportunity for everyone to recognise all volunteers: whether volunteering for an essential service, virtual volunteering, people thinking about volunteering or those that normally volunteer but have stayed home to save lives – every volunteer is valued and contributes to strengthening our communities
Join us this National Volunteer Week to celebrate how our communities are stronger when working together. Volunteers help shape the world we want to live in, now and into the future!