Volunteer of the Month - Dunedin

February 2021

Volunteer of the Month: Eleanor Doig

From South Dunedin Community Network

Our February volunteer of the month is the Chair of the South Dunedin Community Network, Eleanor Doig.

The South Dunedin Community Network had this to say about Eleanor in their nomination:
Eleanor is the chair of the South Dunedin Community Network and is always either at the centre, speaking about South D issues with media, researchers, DCC etc as well as thinking constantly about what great new idea might work and researching community initiatives all over the world that might work for us. Eleanor has been involved in the organisation of the south Dunedin street festival as well as all 6 Community Hui that have been run over the last 4 years.
Eleanor is a wonderful, wise and kind member of our community and does so much for the community network all of it as a volunteer.

"Eleanor you do so very much for the South Dunedin Community, you are a brilliant woman and the network would not be what it is today without your hard work and passion for the South Dunedin community."

Eleanor will receive a gorgeous bouquet of flowers from the amazing team at Bloomin Gorgeous in North East Valley. From all of us at Volunteer South, congratulations Eleanor!