Volunteer Voices - "There is joy in meeting inspiring people." - Ian

Ian standing on a beach.

It’s the perfect volunteer role for someone who counts being on a boat as his happy place.

Ian Hyslop says “I’ve always enjoyed my boating and when I was quite new to Wānaka I saw the Coastguard team with the boat at the A and P Show and thought it was a great opportunity for me to help in the community doing something I’m familiar with.”

Volunteering with the Coastguard for 6 years now Ian is part of the wet crew, the volunteers on the water on the Coastguard boat Waiariki Rescue. Along with the support of the land based dry crew they keep people safe, educate them about water related issues and attend boating related incidents on Lake Wānaka, Lake Hāwea and sometimes further afield.

With 30 plus volunteers in roles including wet and dry crew, governance, training and fundraising this is one of the best resourced Coastguard units in the country.

Ian says “Our leadership and training programmes are second to none and we are in a very healthy position to provide high quality service to the water users of this area.”

Ian grew up and was educated in Mosgiel. He credits some strong mentors who, at a young age instilled into him the value of giving to others. It has become a hallmark of his life choices.

Starting as a primary school teacher, becoming a youth worker and now the Minister at Wanaka’s Presbyterian Church his working life has been dedicated to helping others. “I ministered in Edendale for 8 years and Geraldine for 19 years before coming to Wanaka 8 years ago. In this role you always form close bonds with your community and there is joy in meeting inspiring people.”

He has always volunteered alongside his work commitments including for the Volunteer Fire Brigade in Edendale, as Chairman of the board of trustees at Geraldine High and as a soccer coach. “I try to help out at things like Warbirds and Challenge Wānaka too and there are always opportunities to help at community events related to my work.”

Ian lives in Wānaka with Jacinta, his wife of 35 years. They have 3 married children and 4 grandchildren. “That’s one of my happy places too - being with family is very precious to me.”

Apart from being spoilt for choice in the outdoor and leisure departments - walking, boating and biking - Ian enjoys Wanaka for the interesting mix of people who come here. “I really love meeting the people from different backgrounds and walks of life we have here.”

He’s known for his ability to talk to everyone and anyone. Around Christmas and New Year, he joins a team of enthusiastic Coastguard volunteers visiting local hospitality spots and campgrounds to sell tickets for the annual national Coastguard raffle. With his warmth and humility, he is one of the top ticket sellers.

Ian is highly complementary of the support that the Coastguard gives him and his fellow volunteers. “The training programme is exceptional and at its core is a great crew of people who look out for one another.”

Thinking of volunteering? Ian says “Go for it. You’ll meet new people, learn new skills and know you are doing some genuine good for your community.”

Keen to learn more about volunteering opportunities with Coastguard Wanaka Lakes? Visit:https://volunteers.coastguard.nz/volunteer-roles/

Written by Juliette Hicks