CAB is a champion of people’s rights and supports clients by providing free information and advice on a wide range of issues such as: residential tenancy rights, consumer rights, immigration, employment rights & work conditions, neighbourhood issues, fences, separation, and more!
As a CAB Bureau Interviewer, you will contribute to educating and empowering people, fostering positive change and making a meaningful impact in the Ōtepoti Dunedin community by:
- Assisting CAB to provide a free service that is trustworthy, independent, and confidential
- Liasing with clients who contact CAB by phone, in person, via email or through the website
- Taking the time to listen, talk through issues and gather all the relevant facts
- Researching and investigating issues on the CAB comprehensive online knowledge database (which is current and factual)
- Advising clients of their rights under the law and explaining the options they have for resolving their issues and taking the next steps
- Being inclusive and there for everyone
- Providing CAB services from a safe and accessible location that all members of the community can access
- Being able to welcome and reach out to people of all cultures, ages, genders and backgrounds in a respectful manner
- Using your computer skills to search the CAB comprehensive database for the correct information and advice
Volunteers will gain:
- Administrative and Interveiwing skills and experience
- Specific subject matter knowledge and expertise
- Increased community networks
- Experience in understanding and following policies and procedures
Volunteers will be:
- Supported and appreciated in a collaborative environment
- Supported to complete a thorough training and induction programme before interacting with clients
- Valued
Contact CAB today if this sounds like you! Check out their website to find out more.
The ideal CAB Bureau Interviewer will have the following skills and qualities:
- Relate well to a diverse range of ethnicities, genders and ages
- Listen effectively - have excellent comprehension and understanding of English spoken with a New Zealand accent.
- Have excellent English grammar skills, and be able to communicate orally in English to a very high standard
- To be able write in NZ English to a very high standard
- Maintain confidentiality
- Be respectful of others
- Be non-judgmental
- Work as part of a team
- Demonstrate confidence and competence using a computer to research and record information
- Work within CAB aims, values, principles and policies
- Participate in the CAB’s commitment to effectiveness for Māori (Mauri Manaia) and understand and support the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi
- Have an 'always learning' positive attitude
- Conduct client interviews consistent with CAB processes and policies
All applicants must supply two referees (not friends or family) for contact. Potential volunteers will be interviewed and will also require police vetting.
A Ministry of Justice background check is required for this role.
Time commitment
Once through the induction training programme Volunteer Bureau Interviewers will;
- Complete one rostered shift of 3 hours each week
- Actively participate in the ongoing programme of learning and development provided
- Attend AGMs and SGMs
Getting started
The first step is to express your interest by filling out the form below.
We will then put you in touch directly with the organisation for more information on the role and how to proceed.
Ref: 1087
Information & Advice
Enquire about this role: