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Committee Member

The Lindis Pass Conservation Group (Inc. Society) is committed to Lindis Pass Scenic Reserve, to enhancing and promoting its natural, scenic, conservation and recreational values. 

The Reserve is a subalpine to alpine snow tussock scenic reserve straddling State Highway 8 (at 971m) between Wanaka and Omarama. It is a beautiful and inspiring landscape.

Much of their work is weed control but they also undertake experimental re-vegetation research involving DOC-permitted seed collection; contract propagation via local community nurseries, and subsequent planting out and monitoring of Snow Tussock and native shrubs. Rubbish collection is an ongoing task made interesting by the array and variety of discarded material in the Pass. They also endeavour to learn about the natural and human history of the Pass, to understand its evolving ecology so that care and restoration can take place.

Lindis Pass Conservation Group was formed in December 2004 when DOC Twizel approached the Forest and Bird Society’s Upper Clutha branch, asking members to initiate a community group to do work at Lindis Pass. The LPCG Inc. is now an independent conservation group, with a varied membership of people who appreciate the need for this project, and who enjoy spending an invigorating and useful day in the high country. 

Volunteers are required to assist with administration and planning of activities, research and workdays.  This work includes the procurement and maintenance of relevant materials and equipment and ensuring volunteers are well equipped, trained and working safely. It is an expectation that all committee members are actively involved in the workdays on the Lindis Pass, to ensure they understand the full range of work the organisation undertakes.

Other tasks include grant applications, data entry, promotion and general assistance with administrative tasks.  They would love to hear what your skills are and how you can help our group.

Experienced committee members are on board to support and train newcomers as needed. This is a great opportunity to hone old skills and learn new ones whilst supporting a good cause.  If you wish to learn more about our natural environment, native plant propagation, restoration or ecological research then their are people on our team who can share this with you.

Volunteers gain great satisfaction from doing their part to protect and enhance a landscape that is appreciated by many.


They would love to hear from people who have a passion and enthusiasm for protecting one of New Zealand's most photographed and iconic landscapes.  Good communication and relationship skills are important as is a commitment to doing a professional job. Ideally members will have access to technology and vehicles to enable easy communication within the group.  

Time commitment

Committee meetings are usually held in Wanaka 2-3 times / year.  Other members are located in a vast geographic spread and online technology is utilised where possible. Workdays are held onsite in the Lindis Pass and carpooling is undertaken where possible.  

Getting started

The first step is to express your interest by filling out the form below. We will then put you in touch directly with the organisation for more information on the role and how to proceed.

Ref: 1827

Enquire about this role:


Demographic information:
Used anonymously for statistics to demonstrate our impact to funders.
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