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Workshop Helper + Role Model

The ICONZ boys programme/curriculum is based on building wooden projects using repurposed wooden pallets and discuss positive life choices (bullying, conflict resolution etc) and making good decisions - giving the young boys a safe space to build skills - physical and emotional outside of school. Volunteers are being sought to help deliver the programme to primary schools in Alexandra, Clyde and Dunedin in the mornings.

Volunteers who have a natural empathy for children but also who enjoy creating things or have practical skills would excel in the role. You don't need to be an expert in anything that you create, but enjoy helping people discover their abilities.

ICONZ teaches the same principles as Boys' Brigade, meets the inherent need of boys for adventure, and gives them a sense of belonging. But it does it in a way that the boys (and dads) of today can jump on board with. They have ramped up the programme, focused on what is important to kiwi kids and seen huge growth as a result. All this without watering down the Christian message or the D.I.R.T. principles of Discipline, Integrity, Respect and Tenacity.


Volunteers should have patience, a good command of practical skills around timber (these can be taught), life experience and be good with children.

A Police background check is required for this role.

Time commitment

Volunteers are needed for 3-4 hours once a fortnight to run any of the sessions:
9.00am-12.30pm at Clyde School every other Wednesdsay during term time.
9.00am-12.30pm at St Gerards School every other Thursday during term time
9.00am-12.30pm on Monday and Wednesday every other week in Dunedin.

If you have availability outside of these hours, please let us know as we are always looking for other days and times that are available.

Getting started

The first step is to express your interest by filling out the form below. We will then put you in touch directly with the organisation for more information on the role and how to proceed.

Ref: 1893

Enquire about this role:


Demographic information:
Used anonymously for statistics to demonstrate our impact to funders.
Other information (optional):