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Adaptive Snow Sports Supporter


Cardrona Adaptive Snow Sports Program







The Cardrona Adaptive Snow Sports programme couldn’t run without the help of an incredible team of volunteers. The trained volunteers provide free on-snow support for anyone who requires assistance to access the mountain. Volunteers support, encourage and provide a safe environment for our guests.

Besides the benefits of helping people, volunteers are rewarded with various discounts. We provide free day passes for volunteering days. There is the opportunity to get season passes refunded if 12 (for 50%) or 18 (for a full refund) days are volunteered.


Volunteers should be of Intermediate ski/ snowboard ability (being able to ski blue runs), be patient, good communicators and be a real people person. No previous adaptive snow sports experience required. Full on and off snow training will be provided.

We are running volunteer information evenings on the 8th and 15th of June, at Cardrona Basecamp, 50 Cardrona Valley Road in Wanaka. Come along to say hi, learn more about the program and meet fellow volunteers.

A Police background check is required for this role.

Time commitment

There is no minimum time requirement. Volunteers can choose how many days they'd like to volunteer. Volunteer sessions can be half of full days.

Getting started

The first step is to express your interest by filling out the form below. We will then put you in touch directly with the organisation for more information on the role and how to proceed.

Ref: 2250

Enquire about this role:


Demographic information:
Used anonymously for statistics to demonstrate our impact to funders.
Other information (optional):