Are you looking for a volunteer opportunity which helps to support the well-being/ hauora of families whānau; and also helps to care for care for Papatūānuku by facilitating the reusing of a very large amount of baby items each year?
Here's what two of our Board Members say about volunteering with us:
'It has been very rewarding personally being able to work with an organisation that does such great mahi in our community – I feel really proud to be associated with PH and it's good to be able to give back to the community in a small way. It's also excellent governance experience being part of a Board/Executive Committee and anyone coming on board would learn and develop those governance skills. Plus I've met some great other people!' (Steph)
As a parent myself, and one who moved who had to find a new support network when I moved to Dunedin with a baby, I appreciate the critical needs that Pregnancy Help meets in the community. Being part of the Board enables me to support this important mahi for all in Otago. Joining the Board has enabled me to use my strengths to support this important work, but also learn some new skills and meet new people. My Board journey so far has been a very fulfilling one, and I hope other people will be willing to join us. (Claire)
Now for some more details:
For the past 42 years Pregnancy Help have been providing information, advice, and practical support to families whānau in Ōtepoti Dunedin.
An important part of us being able to do this has been the mahi of our Board Members.
These are the people who oversee what we do; make decisions about our strategic direction; help us to be accountable for what we are doing; help us to set a high standard in what we do; and act as an employer.
They help us to maintain our kaupapa to care about people; to respect the principles of Te Titiri o Waitangi; to appreciate, celebrate, and respect the wonderful diversity of individuals and families whānau; and to recognise that what we do is always a work in progress – we’re on an ongoing learning and growing journey.
If you think that you might like to be part of our team, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We are more than happy to answer any questions that you might have, and we can arrange a meeting with one of our current Board Members either online or in person.
Board Members meet monthly via Teams or Zoom (usually on Thursday evenings), and they also provide occasional input and feedback via email in between meetings. Face to face catch ups are held periodically so Board Members can get to know each other (These are usually of a social nature, and are optional to attend).
A Ministry of Justice background check is required for this role.
A couple of hours per month.
The first step is to express your interest by filling out the form below. We will then put you in touch directly with the organisation for more information on the role and how to proceed.
Ref: 2609
Committee & Board