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SeniorNet - Tutors


SeniorNet Dunedin







SeniorNet is a community learning network that specialises in providing digital skills training for seniors. They are passionate about helping older adults take full advantage of the technology that can improve their quality of life, reduce isolation and engage in new and interesting ways. The best way to do this is to connect older adults with each other, and also with physical and online communities.

As a SeniorNet Tutor or Assistant Tutor you will:

  • Work with older adults who want to improve their digital skills and confidence at the Learning Centre
  • Help them learn how to use their devices (laptops, tablets, smartphones)
  • Help them to access online services (email, social media, banking, shopping, etc.)
  • You will also teach them how to stay safe and secure while online
  • Help connect them with their loved ones and friends, access essential resources and explore their interests
  • Be helping to reduce social isolation and loneliness (most of SeniorNet’s learners are over 60 years old)

Training and Support:

  • You can sit in and observe the other tutors first, as they provide one-to-one support

Benefits of volunteering:

  • You will be making a positive difference in the lives of older adults by
  • Gain valuable teaching and leadership skills as help to facilitate intergenerational relationships
  • You'll be joining a network of other volunteers who share your passion and enthusiasm for technology
  • Receive training and support from SeniorNet and prospective tutors can observe our tutors in action
  • Discover that teaching technology is a great way to keep learning about technology
  • You can stay and socialise afterwards, or listen to the monthly guest speaker's talk

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer technology tutor for seniors, please fill out the online application form below


  • Confidence and patience when working with older learners
  • An interest in using technology
  • A broad knowledge of computer skills is desirable
  • Familiarity with various software and devices is useful

A Police background check is required for this role.

Time commitment

One session per week (additional sessions available):

  • Wednesday mornings 10am-noon
    (Village Green Cafe and Bar - 326 Main South Road, Green Island)

  • Friday mornings 10am-noon
    (Mornington Presbyterian Church, 16 Maryhill Terrace, Maryhill - Mornington)

Getting started

The first step is to express your interest by filling out the form below. We will then put you in touch directly with the organisation for more information on the role and how to proceed.

Ref: 2641

Apply for this role:


Demographic information:
Used anonymously for statistics to demonstrate our impact to funders.
Other information (optional):
In applying for this position I confirm that I have read the requirements of the position and believe I have the skills and attributes required to carry out this role safely and effectively.