Volunteer trustees sought to join this fabulous team ensuring our children are educated about health and well-being.
Happiness House is a unique local community trust. Our mission is to facilitate community supporting community by offering social, emotional and practical support in our homely drop in centre.
Volunteer interviewers are needed at the Citizen Advice Bureau in Queenstown - the champion of people’s rights, believing it is important that everyone in New Zealand can participate in their community and access the services they need.
Volunteers are being sought to help the foundation in the multiple areas, however their most immediate need is with fundraising assistance.
Volunteer with the Remarkables Runners Junior Athletics Programmes and learn about all aspects of children’s athletics, the rules around each discipline and how to set up and manage a sport that requires a variety of events to be delivered in one evening!
Join Altrusa Queenstown and make a difference in your community; broaden your knowledge through speakers, workshops and conferences and develop your leadership skills in a supportive environment.
Rock up, muck in and help keep Queenstown beaches clean by joining the team of Sea Shepherd volunteers picking up litter near the water edges on the last Sunday of every month.
Join us at our weekly social gatherings, which enable older residents in the Wakatipu to remain active and engaged in the community. Help out with Friday lunch prep and serving, or by being on our van driving roster.
Community Patrol Volunteers are everyday people who are trained to know what to look out for as they act as extra “eyes and ears” for New Zealand Police.
Adult Helpers are required to support Leaders at the relevant youth section in particular helping with the planning and delivery of the National Programme to the Kea, Cub, Scout or Venturer Group