Create a vibrant and lively free drop in space for youth aged 11-18! The Hangout is looking for good role models to engage with the young people at the drop in sessions each week, and support the operations of the youth centre.
Volunteers needed to assist at this fabulous community cinema with front of house/ticketing and screening movies!
Currently recruiting bakers to help spread some delicious kindness in the communities of Invercargill, Alexandra, Cromwell, Wānaka and Queenstown.
Do you have working knowledge of MailChimp? Volunteer from your home in Alexandra/Clyde/Cromwell to help the community run Central Cinema with their marketing needs!
Be a part of the fast acting response crew and support paramedics when accidents happen on the race track.
Catch all the action and get the best view on race day as you score laps throughout the motorsport race season!
Are you a confident driver? Keen to help others who aren't yet? Volunteer driving mentors are needed to supervise learner drivers while they practice on the road.
Brighten up an elderly persons week by visiting them for an hour a week and share conversation, company, activities and maybe have a tea or coffee.
Coordinator extraordinaire needed to help Cromwell's companionship group thrive!
Build confidence, build connection, build community. Grow your early parenting knowledge to support yourself and others by becoming a Peer Supporter.