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Group Coordinator


Care and Friendship Group







The Care and Friendship group is a fortnightly social group for the elderly (average attendance approx 30 people). It is a light-hearted entertainment day (from 11am - 3pm) that also has input from other community members (e.g. schools, preschools, service groups, entertainers) to create interactive activities. The group does not run throughout the year, they do several blocks of time.

The Care and Friendship group is an initiative of the Cromwell Community Welfare Trust who contribute towards funding the Catholic hall venue, the meals provided and the resources required for the sessions.

They are looking for a new coordinator to keep the group thriving into the future.

The role may involve the following tasks:

  • Organise the food for the session
  • Organise activities, programme, entertainers and shopping
  • Coordinating people who are interested in attending the sessions
  • Interacting with the elderly to ensure they gain maximum enjoyment from the sessions

On the day the coordinator is responsible for:

  • Managing the helpers at any given session
  • Set up the table and chairs in the hall
  • Get the kitchen ready; boil the kettle, turn on the dishwasher and over (for plates)
  • Set up trays for tea and coffee
  • Wrap cutlery in serviettes
  • Put out salt and pepper and glasses on the table
  • Fill water jugs
  • List people who come and take their payment ($8 per session).

They hope volunteers will gain satisfaction from filling a vital gap in the needs of the Cromwell community and gain knowledge of and empathy for the struggles of others.


  • 18+ years and may be required to undergo a police check.
  • Drivers licence and access to own vehicle for driver roles.
  • Comfortable calling elderly service users as main form of communication (not many of them have email)
  • Volunteers should also feel comfortable chatting to others, be polite, respectful and empathetic.
  • Financial and IT skills.
  • Experience or knowledge of social service agencies is helpful.

A Police background check is required for this role.

Time commitment

There are two set of 10 Wednesday sessions held fortnightly, throughout the year; late January/early February - June and beginning again in August - early December.

Getting started

The first step is to express your interest by filling out the form below. We will then put you in touch directly with the organisation for more information on the role and how to proceed.

Ref: 2011

Enquire about this role:


Demographic information:
Used anonymously for statistics to demonstrate our impact to funders.
Other information (optional):