Could you provide company and companionship to an older person who will benefit from more social interaction?
Provide friendship to a person with an intellectual disability! The friendship is online and is flexible, you can fit it into your normal daily routine, and you can do it from your own home.
Could you provide online friendship to a Family Carer supporting someone with an intellectual disability? The friendship is online and flexible, so you can fit it into your normal daily routine and do it from your own home!
Walking companions required to enrich the lives of residents at this home for older people.
Seeking friendly volunteers to assist in the facilitation of the weekly leisure and lifestyle program to promote engagement in meaningful activities for elderly including those affected with dementia.
You can make a real difference to the health and happiness of an older person living in the community by giving them a regular visit to look forward to!
Share a friendship and help build social connection for someone in need. Visit a local café, share a hobby, go for a scenic drive or head out for a walk.
One hour a week, spend one on one time with a resident. Social engagement and meaningful activity are essential to a healthy, happy life, no matter what your age is.
Would you like to make a big difference to someone with an intellectual disability? Dunedin Friend-Link supports people with intellectual/learning disabilities to participate, contribute and belong to the Dunedin community.
It only takes a few hours weekly or monthly to brighten someone's day and bring joy to their life! Assist with activities, outings and Friday Happy Hour, or take a resident for a walk.