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Repair and Care Volunteers

Central Otago REAP, with support from CODC, is running the Repair & Care Café to help reduce waste and share practical skills in our community.

At the heart of this kaupapa is Koha mai, koha atu - giving and receiving. When we share our time, skills, and knowledge, we sustain and strengthen our community. Whakatika (repair), Kohatanga (care), and Manaakitanga (sharing and supporting others) are what this is all about.

If you're skilled in sewing, electronics, DIY, or just keen to help, the team at CO REAP would love you to be involved. General event crew are also welcome.

How It Works:

  • Community members bring along with broken household items—clothes, accessories, furniture, electronics, appliances, toys, bikes, tools… you name it!
  • The Repair Volunteers (that's you!) check the item and see if it can be fixed.
  • If it’s a quick fix, great! If not, you can offer advice or show them how to repair it themselves.
  • It’s all about sharing skills and knowledge - helping people fix, care for, and maintain their things so they last longer.

If you're keen to be a General Event Helper you will:

  • Arrive early to help with setting up the space.
  • Greet people as they arrive and collect information about their broken items.
  • Escort them to the repairer who can help them.
  • Ensure you collect information about whether the item was fixed.
  • Request feedback from attendees.
  • Check in with fixers if they need a cuppa or snacks.

What will be provided:

  • We have some sewing machines, but if you have your own specialist equipment you are most welcome to bring it with you.
  • Lunch and refreshments are provided for all event volunteers.


  • Fixing skills - whether amateur or professional - all levels are welcome.
  • Creative, resourceful thinking and problem solving mindset.
  • A willingness to share your knowledge and skills.
  • A genuine interest in improving sustainability in the community.
  • Enjoy working alongside other repairers - sometimes collaboration is required for fixing items!

Time commitment

  • Initial meeting with organisers over a cuppa
  • 9:30am -2:30pm on the day of the event

Next confirmed dates:

  • Saturday 3rd May 2025 at Alexandra Community House
  • Saturday 11th October 2025 at Alexandra Community House

Getting started

The first step is to express your interest by filling out the form below. We will then put you in touch directly with the organisation for more information on the role and how to proceed.

Ref: 2753

Enquire about this role:


Demographic information:
Used anonymously for statistics to demonstrate our impact to funders.
Other information (optional):