Logo for Ōtepoti-Dunedin Whānau Refuge Ōtepoti-Dunedin Whānau Refuge

Ōtepoti-Dunedin Whānau Refuge advocates for women, whānau, tamariki (children) and rangatahi (youth) supporting a pathway to safety, regardless of ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, or socio-economic circumstances. Our aim is to eliminate family violence in our community by providing support, advocacy, education, and awareness.


Roles Available:

Crisis Line Volunteer

Ōtepoti-Dunedin Whānau Refuge
Social Support | Dunedin

Would you love to offer information, advice and, at times, accompany women and families into a safe house, working alongside Ōtepoti Dunedin Whānau Refuge's amazing Volunteers and kaimahi (staff members)?

Whare Helpers

Ōtepoti-Dunedin Whānau Refuge
Practical Help | Dunedin

Sorting through donations. Other general tasks - organising, watering plants etc.