Are you a confident driver? Keen to help others who aren't yet? Volunteer driving mentors are needed to supervise learner drivers while they practice on the road.
Have a kōrero about your job with young people to help broaden their horizons and challenge stereotypes. Sign up to Share your Career Story!
Community Facilitators lead workshops for refugee and migrant women and children, focusing on topics like family violence and cultural diversity, while providing support and empowering clients to thrive.
Volunteer Trustees sought to join this fabulous team ensuring our children are educated about health and well-being.
ADOPT A SITE in your area to collect critical funds to support children with cancer and their families.
Play a key role in providing awareness and connection with community organisations and rural groups to ensure no one goes hungry or unnourished.
Help people prepare for disasters and get through when an emergency or disaster happens. Meet new people, gain a range of new skills and be there for your community. Apply to be a New Zealand Red Cross Disaster Welfare Support Volunteer now.
Support children and their whanau whose lives have been turned upside down by cancer, by co-ordinating the Child Cancer Foundation Street Appeal (14/15 March 2025) in your town.
Provide friendship to a person with an intellectual disability! The friendship is online and is flexible, you can fit it into your normal daily routine, and you can do it from your own home.
Join a dynamic board of trustees who lead the 'home of inspiring environmental change through the arts, and a hub for artists looking to share their creativity with a wider community'.