Make a difference for patients at Oamaru Hospital by leading and supporting the Hospital Friends team.
Provide friendship to a person with an intellectual disability! The friendship is online and is flexible, you can fit it into your normal daily routine, and you can do it from your own home.
Join a dynamic board of trustees who lead the 'home of inspiring environmental change through the arts, and a hub for artists looking to share their creativity with a wider community'.
Use your social media and computer skills to keep the Lake Hawea community up to date with Community Centre activities and information across social media platforms.
Help out in an emergency
Do you have a drivers licence, and a little time to spare? Iona care home is looking for a van driver to help their older folk to engage in social outings.
Are you a qualified graphic designer and want to give back to the community, whilst showcasing your creative talents? Food for Love are ready to take their brand to a new level and need the help of a talented designer!
Are you a social media expert keen to give back to the community while taking Food For Love’s online presence to the next level?
As Engineering Manager for Oamaru Steam and Rail Society you can play your part in keeping Oamaru's Steam Heritage alive and running smoothly!
As Workshop Assistant you'll help keep Oamaru's Steam Heritage alive and running smoothly!