Looking for a casual conservation volunteer opportunity that you can do at your own time? Join the Predator Free Dunedin efforts to reduce possums, rats and stoats population across Dunedin!
Wilding Pines are infesting the Earnscleugh Tailings Conservation Area. This hidden and little-known area, containing the Hidden Highway, needs urgent attention.
Help grow native plants and maintain a tidy nursery on Wednesday mornings. Additional opportunities available to assist in planting days in Spring and Autumn all around the Whakatipu basin.
Are you interested in nature and wildlife? Wanting to support local biodiversity while out on your favourite walk or bike ride? Join the Whakatipu Wildlife Trust trapping crew!
Join in on Wai Wānaka’s stream assessment events and get to know the health of your waters! All collected data will be used for stream quality monitoring.
Become a trustee for Te Kākano Aotearoa Trust and play a role in community native habitat restoration!
Become a watering angel, and help native plants thrive and grow into a forest!
Help rebuild native habitats one plant at a time- get your hands dirty, enjoy being out in the fresh air, and meet people from all walks of life!
Play your part in helping keep Wānaka native and sustainable! Join WAI Wānaka’s working bee for native tree planting and maintenance with local restoration groups.
We're looking for a conservation minded 'Mountain Goat' who is very fit, has excellent balance and their own vehicle, to replenish traps so that our native wildlife can flourish once again!