If you're a friendly, flexible, patient person with great interpersonal skills then Special Olympics New Zealand needs you! Come help as marshal, measure, judge, and support our athletes in their events!
Help coordinate parent volunteers and volunteer instructors, as they train and prepare the next generation of Search and Rescue and Emergency Management practitioners, as Branch Manager at YSAR's Dunedin branch.
Are you a motivated, capable and organised person with some time on your hands, and a social conscience? Connect with the South Dunedin community by helping manage a great resource!
Are you interested in nature and wildlife? Wanting to support local biodiversity while out on your favourite walk or bike ride? Join the Whakatipu Wildlife Trust trapping crew!
Channel your earlybird energy to support a wholesome weekly event to help our community connect whether they are walking, jogging or running.
ADOPT A SITE in your area to collect critical funds to support children with cancer and their families.
Play a key role in providing awareness and connection with community organisations and rural groups to ensure no one goes hungry or unnourished.
Help people prepare for disasters and get through when an emergency or disaster happens. Meet new people, gain a range of new skills and be there for your community. Apply to be a New Zealand Red Cross Disaster Welfare Support Volunteer now.
Help people prepare for disasters and get through when an emergency or disaster happens. Meet new people, gain a range of new skills and be there for your community. Apply to be a New Zealand Red Cross Disaster Welfare Support Volunteer now.
Are you a passionate and strategic leader? Join the board of Sustainable Queenstown as Chairperson and play a pivotal role in guiding the charity through its next phase of growth and development.