Channel your passion for animal welfare and secondhand shopping- front of house and small project roles available at Queenstown Op-Shop!
Guide visitors at a beautiful local garden or gallery and contribute to a fundraiser supporting essential services for tamariki and whānau.
Seeking volunteers capable of supporting community members in a drop-in centre with device training or help.
Provide friendship to a person with an intellectual disability! The friendship is online and is flexible, you can fit it into your normal daily routine, and you can do it from your own home.
Join a dynamic board of trustees who lead the 'home of inspiring environmental change through the arts, and a hub for artists looking to share their creativity with a wider community'.
Use your skills and enthusiasm to oversee the promotion, use and development of the Lake Hawea community's Sports Courts
Use your social media and computer skills to keep the Lake Hawea community up to date with Community Centre activities and information across social media platforms.
Do you believe it is important for everyone in New Zealand to participate in their community and access the services and information they need?
Apply your attention to detail and communication skills to be the glue that holds the steering committee of this housing project!
Volunteer as a young humanitarians coordinator and support 10 - 15-year-olds to take humanitarian action in their communities through New Zealand Red Cross Young Humanitarian programme.